Saturday, February 4, 2012

Skinny Pants and Budding Greens

I haven't really felt up to blogging lately. I don't know why really, it may be that I haven't had an overwhelming amount of positive things to say or that I've just been really tired. I have a bit of the winter blues I guess.

I've tried really hard this year to find the beauty in winter. I think I've done a pretty decent job oweing to the fact that things have been fairly dry. The things about winter that I think are beautiful are as follows:

1) You can see all of the birds nests in trees that are hidden by leaves during the other three seasons.

2) While the trees are mostly naked, it's fun to be able to look at their different branching patterns and see the little buds start creeping out of the ends of the small twigs.

3) Rain washes worms closer to the surface of the soil so birds are easy to spot rooting around.

4) The few plants that bloom or maintain color in the winter are that much more striking because of their solitude--particularly plants with bright red berries.

Overall I think winter is very subtley beautiful and it just takes time to appreciate it. Honestly I wish I could spend more time outside appreciating it but instead I spend most of my time underground. Gross.

Being the bookkeeper and The Pasta Warehouse means that I sit in a stuffy windowless basement for 5-6 hours a day counting money and answering phones. If I'm being completely honest, I pretty much hate it. I hated it from day one and thought I would like it better when I was better at it. False. I am now quite good at my job but dislike it just the same. Don't get me wrong, I am extremely grateful that I have a job right now, it keeps food on our tiny table and gas in our car. I just wish I was doing what I'm trained for, going outside and teaching kids to love our planet. *Sigh.*

Since I have a history of running dangerously low on vitamin D, I decided to suck it up and go tanning last week. This was such a good choice. I don't love tanning and I will certainly never make a habit of it but my body desperately needed some rays. I felt so good afterward! I have had noticeably more energy the past few days and don't really mind that my skin is slightly less transparant.

Two great things happened today that helped reduce my winter woes.

Thing one: I decided to wear my red corduroys today. These are my skinniest pants (waist wise) and I have had gross love handles sticking out over them for the past year, so I haven't worn them much at all. Today I put them on and not only did I not have love handles, I had about a 1/2 inch of extra room in the waist. Heck yes, I really feel quite good about the little un-fat efforts I've been making.

Thing two: I haven't really checked on my flower garden lately, I planted bulbs there a few months ago but there isn't much to do with them over the winter. I went over to have a look at my little garden today and found a few little green stems beginning to sprout up out of the ground! I am so thrilled about this. This is my first ever garden and I can't wait to see how things turn out. To see those green buddies reminded me that I have almost made it through the long, cold winter and that spring is just around the corner.

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