Tuesday, November 6, 2012


It feels good when the Ducks win a football game. It feels way better when your candidate wins the presidential election. This is the second election I've been able to vote in, both times I voted for Barack Obama, both times he won. I love it. I'm sorry for all of my friends and family that are feeling sad right now but I can't pretend I'm sorry about the outcome of this race.

I'm singing a song that always gets stuck in my head when I'm feeling happy and spazy,"I'm high as a kite, I just might stop to check you out!" And a lot of people here in the great state of Washington might actually be high pretty soon here. By casting my ballot I helped legalize marijuana AND gay marriage. Woohoo!

I'm happy this election cycle is finally over, as I'm sure you all are. I'm happy I have another four years under a democratic president. I'm happy I won't have to buy one of those bumper stickers that says "Republicans for Voldemort."

P.S. Don't rag on my cheeriness if you're a Romney fan, keep that to your own blog pretty please.

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