Saturday, October 8, 2011


Today's post brought to you by the letters "I" and "C."

"I" is the first letter of the word "ignorant." Ignorant is a word often used to describe people who act or speak foolishly due to a lack of knowledge or understanding.

The word "cult" begins with the letter "C." Cult is a word used to describe a religious group that is in its infancy, whose numbers are small, and whose beliefs and practices are uncommon.

The common definition of a cult as a strange or sinister religion, defying social norms and mores is incorrect (incomplete at the very least) and quite ignorant. News flash! All religions began as cults. When each religion began it was a cult, religions begin as cults and progress through various stages until they are able to be defined as major religions.

The aforementioned statements are the beginning of a small rant set off by a news article entitled Romney's Mormonism in focus at political meeting. The article describes a political debate at which Mormonism was described as a cult and Mormons themselves called un-Christian.

Let me first say that I will definitely not be voting for Mitt Romney, nor will I be voting for any of the republican candidates. I am a moderate liberal through and through and would sincerely hate to see this country have an LDS president for reasons which I can disclose at another time. My real problem with what was said in this article is the way Romney's religion (my religion) was attacked by "Christians."

1) Mormonism is not a cult. Mormons make up more than 14,000,000 people worldwide and constitute approximately 3% of the United States population equal to Jews, and more than both Buddhists and Muslims. The LDS Church was founded more than 150 years ago. Mormonism is not a cult.

2) Pray, tell me what it is about a church entitled "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" says "we aren't Christian." The name of the church has Jesus Christ in the title! The First Presbyterian Church, First Baptist Church, and United Methodist Church all claim to be under the umbrella of Christianity but I don't see the Lord's name in their titles.

Unfortunately this is not the first time I have encountered these oh-so-misinformed viewpoints. Salem, OR has seen the birth of many a mainstream Christian. Growing up there was fine, I had several LDS friends to keep me company and had many non-LDS friends as well. However as high school and college progressed some of these non-LDS friends decided that the Mormons were no longer good friend material and either needed ditching or saving. Even writing that word "saving" makes me want to vomit. I will never believe that all one must do to recieve eternal glory is to say "I believe in Jesus Christ." I can't and won't accept the simplicity and silliness of it all. Sorry, that was a sidetrack. Anyhow, here are some things I uh, learned from these friends:

1) Mormons don't believe in the true God. The God that Mormons believe in is a false God and couldn't possibly be the same one that other Christians believe in. I don't really know the reasoning for this.
2) Mormons aren't Christian. I'm not sure if this is because we believe that the Godhead consists of 3 separate beings or what.
3) Mormons are sorely mislead and are definitely going to Hell.

It truly was a shock to find that my lifelong convictions were so terribly ill-founded, however I soon got over it. My response to many of these accusations is that if I have said that I believe in Jesus Christ and that He is my savior, how is it that I can still be going to Hell? If an axe murderer can, with his dying breath say, "I believe in Jesus Christ!" and be saved, why does my particular denomination of Christianity sentence me to eternal damnation?

What I find even more repulsing is the way this false information is spread. Many, many Christian churches have entire sermons and sunday-school lessons devoted to anti-Mormonism. I can't imagine why they would want to spend their time criticizing Mormons when they are supposedly gathering to learn more about the alleged gospel. Why don't they spend their time building up their faith instead of trying to tear ours down? We do not ever criticize other religions during our meetings! I personally love learning about other religious and spiritual beliefs. Many religions have beautiful and true aspects to them that we would all do well to adopt.

The only answer I can think of to explain their behavior is fear. They are afraid of what we teach either because they are truly un-Christlike and connot accept that there can be a diversity of belief systems, or because they fear, on some level that we may be right.

I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
I know who I am, I know God's plan
I'll follow Him in faith
I believe in my Savior Jesus Christ
I'll honor His name
I'll do what is right
I'll follow His light
His truth I will proclaim

Thank you to all of my non-LDS friends who have never made me feel like I am an un-Christian heathen.

1 comment:

  1. I get tired of the mud slinging. It is so incredibly petty. I also get more than a little annoyed at the idea that a country that has no official religion and in fact prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion, is nevertheless filled with people who think that only members of particular branches of protestantism should have any influence or power. Atheists have good ideas too, and they'd be prohibited by the constitution from turning the whole country into an atheistopia, so why does it really matter the faith of the president? It isn't like our politicians who profess to be Christian actually act in a Christian way by promoting peace, thrift or telling the truth.
