Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Eugenians Posing as Seattlites

Well, we made it. All three of us (I count Lucy dog as a person) are here, all of our stuff is here, and nothing was broken. Our apartment is really cool, we have great landlords upstairs, I am composting and gardening, and things are good. I feel extremely blessed that we found somewhere to live that is just right for us; I am grateful that at all of the other places we looked I listened to the Spirit and my gut and decided they weren't right for us. Our neighbors are friendly, and on one side they have chickens. They let me collect the eggs when I see them, which makes me feel like I'm on a farm. I like farms. If I walk for 10 minutes up the hill I can see the space needle. If I walk for 20 minutes down the hill I am at a little harbor called "Fisherman's Terminal." If I cross the train tracks and go over a different hill I can get to Queen Anne Ave., which has lots of adorable shops and trendy food that are fun to visit, although we could never afford them.

The only things that are lacking are jobs. I've applied for several with no luck yet; I'm trying to remain hopeful. For the most part I am surprised at my good attitude since we've been here. There have been a couple of short bursts of mopiness, seemingly triggered by nothing at all, but I've worked through them. I pictred myself lying around and crying all day, so I'm pleased that I haven't done that yet. It helps that I know a lot of my friends are out of town right now, so I can just pretend like I'm out of town too, however that little game will stop shortly. I can't quite rid myself of the jealousy I feel when I think of all of my Eugene friends hanging out together without us or all of the dinner parties and trips to the $1.50 theater I'm missing. I hold on to the fact that we moved to a cool city, so people will surely want to come visit us.

 Although Eugene is far away, I'm glad that I can still watch my Ducks play every week on TV. It isn't the same as being there, but I can still wear my LaMichael James jersey and yell and scream. We did go out for lunch in our Duck gear last Saturday and were a bit frightened to be surrounded by purple and gold. Someone probably spit in our food.


  1. Glad you are getting settled Lauren, and that the housing situation is working out. Its cliche and you have heard enough of it to make you nauseous but "it will all work out." Pieces are already coming together. It took Annie a year to find a real job when we moved here... I honestly don't really know how it all worked out in the meantime. Some savings here, a random gift there, some food stamps... geez who knows. Point is, it always worked out and we never even came close to worst case scenario, and enjoyed ourselves all the while. In fact those were some of the best moments (no doubt). As great as your Eugene friends are (and I happen to know that they are amazing), the beauty of diverse experiences is that it reaffirms in you the fact that great people are everywhere, especially when your great people... which you are.
    Expect a visit before too long. We love that we have friends right in Seattle!

  2. Thanks for the words of wisdom Jake. I've decided that the Lord must really be wanting to test my faith, and that is why thing haven't worked out as soon as I would have liked them to. So, I'm being faithful! We can't wait for you all to visit, we would love that, truly. Give Chenry kisses from me.
