Friday, December 21, 2012

Oahu Day Six

Today was our last day here on Oahu and needless to say, I am sad to leave. We made the very most of our last day on the island and had a grand time. We headed up to the north shore of the island in the morning to pick up some last minute souveniers in Hale'iwa. We stopped along the way to see the sea turtles one last time. There weren't any on shore but a few of them waved at us from the shallow water.

Next we made our way to Shark's Cove for another snorkeling adventure. I actually liked Shark's Cove a lot better than Hanauma Bay. It was a little bit deeper with more small sandy patches so you felt less like you were going to beach yourself or get stabbed by coral. We saw some really awesome fish that we didn't see at Hanauma, including some big trumpet fish, a spotted toby, a moorish idol, and a blue-spine unicorn fish. I'm so glad we snorkeled again, it was one of my favorite things of the week.

We stopped to feed our famished bodies at Ted's Bakery again. We ladies had pulled pork sandwiches and the gentlemen ate mahi mahi sandwiches (these were apparently delicious but we took their word for it).

As soon as we returned to our little house we headed out for another lengthy bout of sunning our pale selves on the beach. I think we all needed that sun and relaxation and I really feel as if I've been recharged by it all.

Our alarm is set for 4:45 am Hawaii time. We do not want to get on the plane. Boo. I am really going to miss our breezy room with windows on three walls. I'm going to miss falling asleep to the sounds of the ocean and the palms swaying. I will miss waking up gradually as the sun rises slowly through our windows. Ah well, we will return someday. At least I get to take my tan with me. ;)

1 comment:

  1. (<:{ Looking forward to seeing those tans, and hearing their stories...
