Friday, December 14, 2012

Seattle to Eugene

Well, the big move finally happened. Since I was super sick for over a week before the move and Ricky was doing finals, packing was really hard and really stressful. I am actually pretty surprised at how tough I was through the whole thing; I didn't actually have any meltdowns until Monday, the day before the move. I only cried twice, once when a glass Christmas ornament, made by a dear friend who lives far away, fell on the ground and shattered. The other time I cried was when Ricky told me that there wasn't going to be room for my piano in the UHaul--disappointment. Saying goodbye to the Deckers, our faux family in Seattle, was a sad, sad thing. Living essentially in the same house with another family for over a year is an intimate thing. I love those little girls upstairs and they love me, I can't wait to visit and see how they've grown.

On moving day I was running on very little sleep and was so glad that my dad was there to drive our car so I didn't have to. We traversed the pacific northwest through high winds, pouring rains, traffic, and survived an hour long wait at a dark and rainy rest stop because the keys got locked in the UHaul. We made it to Eugene 5 hours later than we had planned, brought the boxes inside, and collapsed.

Our new home doesn't quite feel like home yet. Lucy and I were here alone for two days while Ricky drove back up to Seattle to finish his last final exam. I was without a husband, car, internet, and food and was lucky to have some very sweet friends help me out until Ricky returned. With my husband home safely, masters degree secured, we have been doing all of the tedious tasks required by moving. I am so exhausted I could cry. We don't have a bed yet either, which makes recovering from illness and adjusting to this new home even more tough.

Lucy loves her new yard. She asks to go out there first thing in the morning, eats grass, barfs, eats more grass, runs around like a crazy-sauce, and then suns herself on the damp deck. I've been promising her a yard of her own for 3 years and am so happy to finally be able to follow through. She is being a real doggy dog now and I love watching her have fun.

Tomorrow afternoon we fly from Eugene to Honolulu. I really am so excited; I've been looking forward to it for many a month now. Unfortunately with all of the stress we've been going through, we haven't been able to prepare for the trip quite like I would have wanted. I am also feeling pretty upset about the shooting in Conneticut today. This is by far the worst one that's happened in years--seriously, little children? My poor over-emotional, severely sentimental heart has been aching all day for those poor children and families. The shooting in Clakamas on Tuesday was bad enough but this is truly unbelievable. Of course, the activist in me is screaming for a gun ban. I read some completely asinine comments on facebook today in reaction to the shooting. People are saying things like "the teachers should all carry guns, then things like this wouldn't happen." Really, that's your solution, MORE guns?? I'm sorry but adding more guns into the mix, putting a bunch of guns into schools is the worst idea I've ever heard. I really cannot stand those far-right second-amendment protecting people. That's the truth, I can't stand them. If this country was in my hands, manufacturing of guns would have stopped a long time ago. The only guns in this country would be possessed by military and special arms units. Hunters would have to go through a rigorous and strict process to possess a hunting rifle, to be used strictly in hunting season (even though I'm not a fan of hunting). Assault rifles would not exist. Police would not carry guns. Hand guns would also not exist. Why does anybody think they need a gun that fires off 100 shots in a minute or two? Those types of guns were made for one purpose--killing people. How many children have to die before people wake up and smell the roses? Guns are bad. Period. This is not a conversation, just a fact.

I hope that when I get on the plane tomorrow and arrive in tropical paradise that I will be able to leave these worries behind me, at least for a week.

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