Saturday, June 16, 2012

Favorite Things

Everyone else is writing about their favorite things, why shouldn't I? I was actually having a conversation with someone a few weeks ago, I can't remember who now, about how I have tons of trouble choosing favorites of things. Whenever I get asked what my favorite <insert category here> thing is I always list at least two. I'll have to do the same here.

Some of my favorite FEELINGS are:

1) Obtaining a new book. I love to have a new book, whether it was gifted to me, I buy it new or I buy it used, I get so jazzed about it. I'm one of those people who turned up their noses at the Kindle and Nook (those e-reader things). I love to smell and feel the pages of a book. There is something indescribably exhilirating about turning the page to a new chapter--actually turning the page, not sliding your finger accross a screen. I collect books and I read them. Either Ricky or I (or both of us) has read every book we own. We have so many books that we have run out of space for them but I can't help buying another book when I finish one. No offense to the library, I think it's a great thing, especially for children or research, but I love to own my books. I feel comforted in knowing that I can go back and read them any time I want.

2) Finding absolute peace in nature. There are two ways in which I have found great peace in nature, the first is by sitting quietly on the beach by myself, watching and listening to the waves. The second is by quietly walking through a sunlit forest on my own, listening to all of the bird sounds. These two experiences help calm my mind, they help eradicate my constant nagging anxieties. I love to walk with my husband or with my dog or with friends but I also like to go alone sometimes so I can walk at my own pace or linger as long as I need to. Sometimes the beauty of it all brings me to tears. We are so blessed to live in such an extraordinary world.

I am a foodie, and FOODS I love are:

1) Cheese fondue. This is my usual response when I'm forced to say a favorite food. Gruyere, emmentaler, white wine, garlic...I could die. I like to dip apples, french bread, or sausage in it. Thanks Mom for the new fondue set!

2) Really good ice cream. Not just lame stuff you can get at the grocery store. I mean the kind you get at a fancy ice cream place like Molly Moons. My current favorite flavor is Balsamic Strawberry. All ice cream must of course be accompanied by a fresh waffle cone.

3) The Cubano. The best sandwich ever created. A cuban sandwich available only at Paseo. It has delicious bread, slightly crunchy outside and soft inside, cilantro and garlic aioli, pulled pork, lettuce, and jalepenos. Need I say more?

I love all of the ANIMALS and I have a lot of special favorites (aside from Lucy):

1) Whales, any and all, particularly Sperm Whales and Narwhals.

2) Deer. I love deer, especially Mule Deer.

3) Elephants. I love every single elephant ever. Someday I will go to India and ride one.

4) Foxes. I love a red fox, I'm always looking for them in meadows but I haven't been lucky enough to spot one yet.

5) Birds of all shapes and sizes. Among some of my favorites are Barred Owls, Great Blue Heron, and Red-winged Black Birds.

6) Harbor Seals, Giant Pacific Octopuses, Giraffes,  and Bumble Bees. Didn't want to take up more space by making each one a separate number. :)

My favorite BOOKS right now are:

1) Harry Potter, for always and forever. I really love the audiobooks read by Jim Dale.

2) The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. This book takes you away with magic and mystery. I could not put it down, seriously. If you liked Harry Potter and Water for Elephants and The Illusionist, this book is for you.

3) Jane Eyre, I read it over and over again.

4) Richard Louv's new book The Nature Principle. If I could reccomend only one environmental book to people I would reccomend this one. It is so great. It has wonderful stories and practical advice for everyone living in the virtual age. Please read it.

My favorite FLOWER is the Peony. I chose one!

My favorite Trees are:

1) The Ginkgobiloba tree

2) The English Weeping Birch tree

Some other random favorite things of mine are:

1) The Space Mountain ride at Disneyland. I can't get enough of that one despite the long lines.

2) My favorite Christmas carols are O Holy Night and We Saw Three Ships (even though that song makes no sense because you could not see ships from Bethlehem).

3) My favorite TV shows are always changing but right now my favorites are Battlestar Galactica (the new ones), Modern Family (I love Cam), and Downton Abbey.

4) I could never pick a favorite movie, or even two or three, but some that I love are Bridesmaids, The Artist, Midnight in Paris, Baby Mama, Moulin Rouge, Everafter, You've Got Mail, Easy A, Juno, It's a Wonderful Life, The Wizard of Oz, The Fiddler on the Roof, and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (the original, obviously).

5) Some albums I love right now are The Decemberists: The King is Dead and Fleet Foxes: Helplessness Blues.

5) My Hunter Boots.

6) That perfect moment when it's slightly chilly in your room but you're under enough covers that you feel delightfully cozy.

7) Singing in a choir of other really good people. It is amazing to work together to make beautiful music.

8) Getting snail mail that isn't a bill.

9) Family naps with Ricky and Lucy on a Sunday afternoon.

10) Hats knitted by grandmas.

11) Gallery walls. I love to have tons of framed art and photos on the walls. I'm a highly visually stimulated person. Can't wait until we have bigger rooms with higher ceilings for me to fill (this makes Mhana crazy I'm sure :)).

12) Horseback riding on the beach with my husband (yeah, we did that). So romantic.

So if you got through that you are probably totally sick of me and never want to know another single thing about me. Sorry.

"...I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feeeeeeeel so bad!"


  1. The peony?! They're always covered in ants! What about the dahlia, queen of flowers?
