Thursday, June 28, 2012


I have really grown to love walking. I'm not much of a runner and I never have been. I did the running thing in late high school/early college but after our car accident it just jarred my shoulder too much. But I do love walking, particularly in nature. I love to walk slowly and stop whenever I want to to look at something more closely. I like to walk alone with no one to be impatient with me or distract me from the bird songs. I think that I will be a life-long walker. Obviously we all walk around all day, but I'm talking about really walking. Just moving your body forward, into the woods or the meadow, at whatever pace your body feels is comfortable. It's healthy, it makes me feel strong and connected and calm.

I was able to go on a plant walk with an amazing botanist this afternoon in Discovery Park. My plant and tree knowledge grew about 12 times over in the two hours that we walked through the park. I have an extremely strong desire to be able to walk down a trail and name each plant and animal. I don't really know my insects very well, specifically that is, but my plant and tree knowledge is really getting much better. Tomorrow morning we are going on a bird walk with an ornithologist and I am so jazzed about it.

I feel like in order to be an effective steward on this earth I must know each plant and animal. I need to understand who they are and what they need so that I can help them. As I learn, they help me.

This was in my book today and I loved it:

A habitation marvellously planned,
For life to occupy in love and rest;
All that we see--is dome, or vault, or nest,
Or fortress, reared at Nature's sage command.

--William Wordsworth

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